We have 2 stands, 304 Pizza/Hot Dog & 306 Grill.
If you sign up, you are required to be there the entire time. If for any reason you need to back out, please let me know right away!
Volunteers needed:
24 total volunteers
2 Team Leads
11 Cashiers
5 Workers
6 Cooks
5 Alternates
Alternates – If we have someone drop out from working, I will then reach out to the alternates, in order listed.
If you have to drop out, you MUST contact me! Do NOT try to fill your spot, I will find the coverage.
All cashiers MUST have an alcohol permit!
Only 3 students per stand.
Uniform is as follows.
PANTS: Pants must be plain black, ankle length and free of patches, rips, stains, patterns and fading. Jeans, Baggy pants, shorts, tight fitting or spandex type materials are NOT PERMITTED
SHIRT: Plain Black Shirt. No writing allowed. Can be short or long sleeve
SHOES: Black, sturdy, non-slip, closed toe shoes are to be worn, with dark socks. Black sneakers are acceptable. NO SANDALS, HIGH HEELS, FLIP FLOPS OR CROCS, BALLET SLIPPERS, ETC, ALLOWED
HATS: Avon Band Hat. All long hair must be tied back off of shoulders. Hats will be worn in the way in which they were intended, bill straight forward, not backwards or sideways.
APRONS: (if provided) Aprons must be worn. DO NOT wear these outside of stand!
Earrings – small to minimize a safety issue
Facial Piercing – cover or remove
Nails – less than a ¼ in length
Tattoos – cover up as per unit policy
Parking will be provided but will need to carpool. We only have 1 pass per 6 people.
1 meal will be provided prior to the game.
Payment is $160 per person, PLUS 100% tips. All tips will be divided evenly among all who work.
Minimum age to work is 16.